Welcome to writingpeople.net . . .
A collaborative tool for writers and illustrators providing a platform where writers and
illustrators can hone their craft, and us noodleheads can enjoy what these creative folk
have shared.
Help your fellow writers develop ideas using a fun, collaborative tool
Character and entity tracking to make collaborative writing more cohesive
Unlimited collaborative height and width for endless story variance
As members, those who love writing and illustrating,
will be able to craft collaboratively in a most unique way. This concept seems
more interesting than the usual suspects out there. I'm going to drop a link
here to a spot where this is explained in much greater detail.
Available Collaborative Stories: 15
I have added a story here that I wrote a long time ago. I have broken it into several parts so anyone interested can take off with the story and head off in any direction they wish. In fact, the main character has hardly been described, so this truly is open to go anywhere.
Active (fully collaborative state)
Not Specified
Date Added:
Seed Word Count:
""Mom, were you hovering?""
This passage is from the seed entitled Elizabeth of Sungeela
Your thoughts...
In one stage or another, this site has been on the Internet for nearly five years,
but few have taken advantage of this fine storytelling site. What gives?
Let us know.
Why does this site suck?
(We do appreciate honest replies to our question 'cause we are at a loss as to why
no one seems interested in writing here. Everything seems to function properly.)
writingpeople.net, Bangor, Maine, U.S.A. All Rights Reserved.